

  • Genre: Fantastic Coming-of-Age Ensemble Drama
  • Synopsis: In the fictional Hokkaido town of Kiryako, a mysterious giant disc appears. Protagonist Nonoka Komiya encounters the enigmatic girl Noel, and time begins to move again as she reunites with her childhood friends.
  • Setting: The story is set in the fictional town of Kiryako in Hokkaido.
  • Broadcast period: Aired in 2014

Highlights of the work

  • Characters: Nonoka Komiya, the mysterious girl Noel, and childhood friends
  • Setting: A story unfolding in a quiet town with a mysterious giant disc floating above
  • Themes: Friendship, mystery-solving, growth, and fantasy
  • Story: Nonoka’s encounter with Noel sets in motion the halted time between reunited childhood friends
  • Tourist attraction: The mysterious disc becomes a tourist attraction in the town and plays a significant role in the story
  • Target audience: Recommended for those who enjoy coming-of-age dramas and fantasy elements

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