Synopsis: Set in 2015 on Earth, the story revolves around a young boy, Shinji Ikari, who becomes involved in the battle against mysterious lifeforms called “Angels” and the people surrounding him.
Worldview: An apocalyptic world where humanoid decisive battle weapons, Evangelions, developed by the organization NERV, exist to fight against the Angels.
Work’s Charm
Characters: Featuring a variety of unique characters, including protagonist Shinji Ikari, Rei Ayanami, and Asuka Langley Soryu, the story delves into their inner struggles and growth.
Worldview: The series is known for its intense battle scenes and intricate world-building. The mysterious battles against the Angels and the characters’ pasts gradually unfold, drawing in the audience.
Themes: The story deeply explores themes such as the darkness of the human heart, feelings of loneliness, tangled interpersonal relationships, family, and love, delving into real-world issues.
Story: Through the battles against the Angels, the characters’ inner selves are gradually revealed. The intricate story development and shocking conclusion attracted attention, creating a passionate fan base.